Nonlinear Dynamo in Obliquely Rotating Stratified Electroconductive Fluid in an Uniformly Magnetic Field

  • Michael I. Kopp Institute for Single Cristals, Nat. Academy of Science Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Anatoly V. Tur Universite Toulouse [UPS], CNRS, Institute of Research for Astrophysics and Planetology, Toulouse, France
  • Konstantin N. Kulik Institute for Single Cristals, Nat. Academy of Science Ukraine, Kharkiv,Ukraine
  • Volodymyr V. Yanovsky Institute for Single Cristals, Nat. Academy of Science Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine; V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: magnetic hydrodynamics, Boussinesq approximation, Coriolis force, multi-scale asymptotic expansions, non-helical turbulence


In this paper, we investigated a new large-scale instability that arises in an obliquely rotating convective electrically conducting fluid in an external uniform magnetic field with a small-scale external force with zero helicity. This force excites small-scale velocity oscillations with a small Reynolds number. Using the method of multiscale asymptotic expansions, we obtain the nonlinear equations for vortex and magnetic disturbances in the third order of the Reynolds number. It is shown that the combined effects of the Coriolis force and the small external forces in a rotating conducting fluid possible large-scale instability. The linear stage of the magneto-vortex dynamo arising as a result of instabilities of -effect type is investigated. The mechanism of amplification of large-scale vortex disturbances due to the development of the hydrodynamic - effect taking into account the temperature stratification of the medium  is studied. It was shown that a «weak» external magnetic field contributes to the generation of large-scale vortex and magnetic perturbations, while a «strong» external magnetic field suppresses the generation of magnetic-vortex perturbations. Numerical methods have been used to find stationary solutions of the equations of a nonlinear magneto-vortex dynamo in the form of localized chaotic structures in two cases when there is no external uniform magnetic field and when it is present.



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Weakly Nonlinear Magnetic Convection in a Nonuniformly Rotating Electrically Conductive Medium Under the Action of Modulation of External Fields
(2020) East European Journal of Physics

How to Cite
Kopp, M. I., Tur, A. V., Kulik, K. N., & Yanovsky, V. V. (2020). Nonlinear Dynamo in Obliquely Rotating Stratified Electroconductive Fluid in an Uniformly Magnetic Field. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 5-36.