Main Features of Surface Water Quality Regulation in Ukraine and in EU Countries

  • А. М. Крайнюкова Research institution «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems»
Keywords: environmental quality standard, water quality standard, pelagic community, environmental quality standards for sediment, environmental quality standard for biota, human health


Purpose. Researching specific features of surface water quality standard-setting in Ukraine and in EU countries. Methods. Comparative analysis of methodological approaches and algorithms of surface water quality standard-setting in Ukraine and in EU countries. Results. Some differences between standard-setting algorithms of maximum permissible concentration of substances in the water column of surface water bodies in Ukraine and water quality standards in the EU countries are presented. Common to both cases is the determination maximum permissible concentrations of substances used for the standard test objects. Conclusions. Harmonization of surface water quality standard-setting in Ukraine with the law of the European Union will allow to significantly increase the efficiency of rationing water quality in Ukraine. Future plans included definition of the optimal set of techniques and procedures to develop «Methodical recommendations surface water quality standard-setting» for use in Ukraine.


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Author Biography

А. М. Крайнюкова, Research institution «Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems»
завідувач лабораторії


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How to Cite
Крайнюкова, А. М. (2017). Main Features of Surface Water Quality Regulation in Ukraine and in EU Countries. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (16), 18-21.