Tree cover dynamics on the socio-ecological gradient of Chernivtsi region

Keywords: socioecological gradient, geospatial system, tree cover dynamic, satellite images, forest ecosystem services


Purpose. The differences in 20-year tree cover dynamics were analysed for the three experimental strata, which correspond to the former administrative districts and are located along the landscape socio-ecological gradient on the territory of Chernivtsi region.

Methods. System analysis, statistical analysis, geospatial database of the Global Forest Watch service were used.

Results. Three strata have been identified on the territory of Chernivtsi region to interpret the extremes of a socio-ecological gradient and the intermediate (transitional) zone. The tree cover dynamics was analysed on the studied strata (Traditional, Intermediate, and Intensive), which differ in terms of natural conditions, forest cover, and species composition, as well as varying degree of local communities’ dependency on the ecosystem services provided by forests. The mountain Traditional stratum is characterized by the predominance of logging over agricultural production; Intensive lowland stratum has a high degree of agricultural land use, developed agro-industrial complex and profitable farms. The Intermediate stratum combines both landscape complexes and economic features of the Traditional and Intensive strata. It was established that the loss of tree cover for the period from 2000 to 2021 amounted to 18% for the Traditional stratum, 17% for the Intermediate stratum and 7.7% for the Intensive stratum. The area of reforestation in 20 years at the Traditional stratum was 1,400 hectares with a loss of tree cover of 11,500 hectares; on the Intermediate – 1,250 hectares with a loss of tree cover of 10,800 hectares; on Intensive – 1,100 hectares with a loss of tree cover of 1,510 hectares.

Conclusions. The obtained results indicate the necessity of the local forest management systems revision taking into account the spatial features of the socio-ecological systems that has developed on the analyzed gradient.


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Author Biographies

A. V. Zhuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2, Kotsyubynskoho, Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine

PhD (Biology), Assistant of the Department of Ecology and Biomonitoring

I. I. Myshiliuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2, Kotsyubynskoho, Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine

Master's student of the Department of Ecology and Biomonitoring


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How to Cite
Zhuk, A. V., & Myshiliuk, I. I. (2023). Tree cover dynamics on the socio-ecological gradient of Chernivtsi region. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (28), 101-111.