Radiological Assessment of Reservoirs in Volyn Region that is Under Radioactive Contamination

Keywords: radionuclides, the zone of radioactive contamination, bottom sediments, water reservoirs, the permissible level, radioactive contamination


Purpose.  To determine the content of radionuclides 137Сs, 90Sr and heavy metals in water bodies within the boundaries of settlements of Kamyn-Kashirsky, Lyubeshivsky and Manevychi administrative districts of Volyn region.

Methods.  During the expedition and laboratory work, standard methods of sampling, preparation and measurement of samples were used according to the current methods of radiochemical, radiospectrometric, ichthyological, hydrochemical, statistical analyses, etc.  The determination of the total content of heavy metals was performed in laboratory conditions by conventional methods. 

Results.  The research is based on its own analyses, as well as the stock materials of the Scientific Information Center for Water Management and Ecological Monitoring and Optimization of Water Use.  Features of 137Сs, 90Sr  radionuclides distribution in reservoirs (water, sediments, fish, birds) within the zone of radioactive contamination in Volyn Region are considered. The maximum concentrationі of 137Сs, 90Sr in the studied area were determined.  The anthropogenic impact and excess of the maximum permissible concentrations and maximum permissible levels of toxic substances in the ecosystem links of certain water bodies of the partially contaminated region are identified. 

Conclusions.  As a result of the study on the level of concentrations of 137Сs and 90Sr and heavy metals in water (within the boundaries of settlements) of the investigated area, it was found that reservoirs in village of 

Prylisne, village of Velyka Osnytsya, village of Cherevakha in Manevitsky District, village of Nuyno in Kamin-Kashirsky District and the village of Vetly in Lyubeshiv Administrative Distict  are affected by the highest concentrations of 137Сs and 90Sr.  The significant content of heavy metal salts is recorded in the reservoirs, namely in the village of Serhiv – lead, village of Prylisne in Manevytskyi District– zinc, cadmium;  in the village  Berezna Volia in Lyubeshiv District – copper;  in the village  of Nuyno in Kamin-Kashirsky District – lead.


Author Biography

O. M. Hromyk, Lutsk National Technical University, 75Lvivska str. , Lutsk. 43000, Ukraine

PhD (Geography), Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business


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How to Cite
Hromyk, O. M. (2020). Radiological Assessment of Reservoirs in Volyn Region that is Under Radioactive Contamination. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (22), 43-53.