Anti-Erosion Optimization of the Territory of Agrarian Farms on the Example of the Kharkiv Region, Ukraine

Keywords: crop rotation, GIS, magnetism indicators, optimization of land use, potential soil losses, soil erosion modeling, water erosion


Purpose. Show the sequence of actions on anti-erosion optimization of land use structure on the example of agro-enterprises of the Kharkiv region and further ways to increase its efficiency. Methods. Cartographic, statistical, geoinformation analysis, mathematical modeling, magnetizing. Results. An example of erosion optimization of land use is shown on the basis of mathematical modeling of potential soil losses under different land use conditions for three typical farms of the Kharkiv region (Ukraine). The simulation was carried out using the model of C. Myrtshulawa using DEM in the ArcGIS environment. Using GIS to simulate and visualize the results allows you to identify the most erosionally hazardous areas and make an individual selection of crop rotation for each farm. The  erosion risk which modeling was revealed can be prevented by means of organizational and agronomic measures, which requires the minimal economic costs. The ways of checking the effectiveness of agro-forest-meliorative measures with application of methods and means of magnetic investigation are offered. Conclusions. Anti-erosion optimization of land use allows achieving the values of soil losses in all fields of investigated farms. At the same time, soil losses decrease, depending on the initial level of danger and the degree of transformation of crop rotation from 10% on slopes to 1.5 °, up to 4.2 times in complicated areas.


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Author Biographies

A. V. Kruhlov, National scientific center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after O. N. Sokolovsky»

кандидат геологічних наук

V. P. Kolyada, National scientific center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after O. N. Sokolovsky»

кандидат сільськогосподарських наук

A. O. Achasova, National scientific center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after O. N. Sokolovsky»

кандидат біологічних наук

N. V. Shevchenko, V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University

доктор сільськогосподарських наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Kruhlov, A. V., Kolyada, V. P., Achasova, A. O., Nazarok, P. G., & Shevchenko, N. V. (2019). Anti-Erosion Optimization of the Territory of Agrarian Farms on the Example of the Kharkiv Region, Ukraine. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (20), 135-143.