Analysis of Water Reservoirs and Ponds Resources in the Lviv Region

Keywords: hydro-geographical research, water resources, reservoirs, ponds, Lviv region


Purpose. The validity of geographic studies of reservoirs and ponds which there are  a subsystem of water resources in the region, is substantiated. Methods.  Methodology and methods of natural geographical and hydro-geographical researches are used. Results. There is no clear difference between the reservoir and the pond. It is conditionally assumed that an artificial reservoir with a volume of up to 1 million m3 is a pond, and with larger volume is a reservoir. In the Lviv region there are 20 reservoirs (in Ukraine there are 968 reservoirs). Within the river basin of the Dniester there is 55%, the Western Bug - 25% and Xian 20% of all reservoirs in Lviv region. In the low ground administrative districts, the largest reservoirs are located in Horodok and Yavorivsky Region - five. According to  the number of ponds, Lviv region takes the fourth place in Ukraine. The region has in general  3085 ponds. The largest amount of  ponds is located in the Dniester basin - 54%, 23% and 16%, respectively, in the basins of the Western Bug and Xian. The smallest amount (7%) of the ponds is located in the Styr's basin. According to the low ground administrative districts, the highest number of ponds is in Yavoriv - 353 and Horodok and Drohobych region, 217 and 216 respectively. In general, an average of 0.56 hectares (in neighboring regions of 0.12-0.20 hectares) of the water surface of artificial reservoirs is in km2 of Lviv Oblast. As we see, Lviv region is two to three times the neighboring regions over this indicator. Of the total volume of reservoirs and ponds per person in the oblast, there are 71.8 m3 of water per year. Conclusions.  These reservoirs - reservoirs and ponds, are of great economic importance, and also are important for water content of the territory. In order to maintain the proper functioning of reservoirs and ponds, their comprehensive, in particular, geographic research is extremely necessary.

comprehensive, in particular, geographic research is extremely necessary.


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Author Biography

O. R. Perkhach, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

кандидат географічних наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Perkhach, O. R. (2019). Analysis of Water Reservoirs and Ponds Resources in the Lviv Region. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (20), 80-86.