The Role of Soil Cover in Optimizing the Social Policy of Ukraine

  • G. V. Titenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv Natiomal University
  • V. V. Medvedev National Scientific Center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after A.N. Sokolovsky»
Keywords: soil cover, agriculture, agrarian strategy, land reform


High-grade ecological and productive functioning of a soil cover is considered as the important precondition of effective social policy of Ukraine - maintenance of a society with comfortable vital conditions and unconflictness by harmonious mutual relations between its various layers. Performance of social function of a soil cover is promoted balanced soilprotection agriculture, absence of soil degradations, the various help of the state to land users. In the paper it is paid attention to unresolved problems in the agriculture, interfering qualitative realization of social function, examples from practice of social policy of some countries are resulted, offers on improvement of agrarian strategy and land reform in the Ukraine are proved. The soil cover and constant care of its condition should become an obligatory component of the state social program.


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Author Biographies

G. V. Titenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv Natiomal University

кандидат географічних наук, доцент

V. V. Medvedev, National Scientific Center «Institute for soil science and agrochemistry research named after A.N. Sokolovsky»

доктор біологічних наук, професор


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How to Cite
Titenko, G. V., & Medvedev, V. V. (2018). The Role of Soil Cover in Optimizing the Social Policy of Ukraine. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (18), 14-21.
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