Activities for the dissemination of Ukrainian culture in the Republic of Croatia: a historical excursion and the current situation. Ukrainian diaspora in Croatia
In the article below, a short excursion into the history of Ukrainian-Croatian cultural relations is given – the author dwells on the work of Y. Krizhanich, a Croatian cultural figure of the Baroque period, who shows considerable interest in the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian cultural values; further stops at the first translations into the Croatian language of Ukrainian classics. The next stage of consideration is the period from which the study of the Ukrainian language in Croatia begins, and up to the present day. In the focus of attention of the cursory research there are some illustrative episodes from the life of the Ukrainian diaspora in Croatia and the Croatian Ukrainians, activities of the Ukrainian diaspora in the Republic of Croatia in retrospect, сultural activities are mentioned, the task of which is to familiarize the Croatian society with Ukrainian cultural achievements.
The author of the article aims to provide small thematic blocks (interest in Ukrainian culture and history in Croatia from the prominent cultural figure Yu. Kryzhanych to the present; Croatian translations of Ukrainian classics and acquaintance of the Croatian cultural community with its most striking examples; cultural life of the Ukrainian diaspora features of her life at the present stage in the light of historical events in Ukraine) to demonstrate the way of acquaintance with the cultural achievements of Ukraine in ancient and modern Croatia, as well as to address the cultural life of the Ukrainian diaspora in Croatia as an integral part of Ukrainian cultural life for modern Croatia. The historical digression in the article is only a step in the centuries-old cultural dialogue, which continues today.
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