International vocabulary in Marin Drinov’s works

  • Надежда Николова Doctor of Philology, Chief Assistant, Section for Ethnolinguistics, Institute of Bulgarian Language “Prof. L. Andreychin”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 52 “Shipchenski Prohod”, bl. 17, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Keywords: Marin Drinov, internationalisms, international vocabulary, lexicology, linguistics


During the Bulgarian Revival Period, in a time of increasing national awareness and struggles for political and spiritual liberation, the number of scientific articles is on the increase. Some favourable conditions for language interaction are established, conditions to form a pool of words that can be used internationally. Internationalisms enrich the general vocabulary of European languages and are the primary core, a possible future lexical unification of languages.

Marin Drinov was one of the first Bulgarian scholars to continue and enrich the Revival tradition by developing the problems of the literary language on a scientific basis.

In the article analyses the international vocabulary in Marin Drinov’s works.Once a reference to the archive from the Revival Period is made, it can be ascertained that Marin Drinov was the first among his contemporaries to use a number of words that belong to the international vocabulary like genesis, graphics, interpunction, restoration, strategy, etc. He is credited with the creative enrichment of the socio-political vocabulary, as many words from the lexical system of language acquire new shades of meaning, includingnew political meaning and new functional importance. The vocabulary used in his scientific andliteraryworks is, to a great degree, part of the entire Bulgarian literary fund of that period, and it is an indicator of the dynamics and the development of the socio-political vocabulary that is its main constituent. The analysis of the internationalisms in Marin Drinov’s works outlines his practical contribution to the generative processes in the vocabulary of the Bulgarian language, to its Europeanisation and modernization.


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How to Cite
Николова, Н. (2020). International vocabulary in Marin Drinov’s works. Drinovsky Sbornik, 13, 218-226.