Security Challenges at the Black Sea Region in the first quarter of 21st Century

  • Владислав Лазаров Doctor of Science, Departament “National securityˮ, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Sofia 1784, “Tsarigradsko shoseˮ № 119, Republic of Bulgaria)
Keywords: Black Sea region, security, geopolitic, conflict


The lifelong geostrategic significance of the Black Sea region is indisputable. It has been an inalienable trade routes factor between Europe and Asia for centuries, as well as a distinct bridgehead for influence in the Middle East. Quite often the Straits connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean Sea cause conflict of interests and clashes between the Great Powers. Unlike the Mediterranean basin or the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea region is not historically and culturally homogeneous. During the Cold War, the border between East and West passes here. Today the Black Sea region is a kind of border between the Euro-Atlantic and Russian security system, as the main power factors in the arena are the actors with global and regional claims: USA, EU, Russia, China, Turkey.

The globalization process and the development of the neo-liberal doctrine outlined a new multipolar world with various security risks and threats.

The Black Sea region is a classic example of two parallel existing processes. With the attempt to integrate − by establishing regional trans-national institutions – the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), Black Sea For, as well as the vigorous opposition to the interests of the global forces and their impact on the behavior of regional players and small countries.The Black Sea region is a zone of confrontation of geopolitical players, and their opposition has its regional and national dimensions. The regional geo-economic project “Trimorie”, as well as the Russian initiatives (“Turkish Stream”, “Blue Stream”) once again assign the Black Sea Basin the status of a serious arena of conflict of interests of major global players. Given the current energy aspects of security, the Black Sea undoubtedly plays an important role in regional and international security.


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Ross Wilson, U.S. Policy in the black sea region. URL: http// (Date of application 18.08.2019).
How to Cite
Лазаров, В. (2020). Security Challenges at the Black Sea Region in the first quarter of 21st Century. Drinovsky Sbornik, 13, 170-174.