Danubian Sich in the Black Sea geopolitical situation

  • Олена Бачинська D. His. Sc, Professor, Odesa Illya Mechnikov National University, 2, Dvoryanska Str., Odessa, 65082, Ukraine http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0496-5742
Keywords: Danubian Sich, Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, Danubian Zaporozhian Cossacks, Ukrainian Cossacks


The struggle for influence and the lands of the Northwest Black Sea at the end of the eighteenth - first third of the nineteenth centuries was of strategic importance in the policies of the Ottoman and Russian empires. The Russian-Ottoman confrontation was implemented through a system of measures: tactical military operations, the use of local specifics and local peculiarities, political pressure, etc. In the global geopolitical distribution that took place during that period, the following local features were to be taken into account in achieving their plans for the empire - in the territory where Ukrainian political Cossacks were planning military-political events. They formed the Danubian Sich at the end of the eighteenth century in the Ottoman Empire in Dobrudja, so naturally it became part of this confrontation. Although at the end of the eighteenth century the Cossacks did not represent such a significant unit of combat as in the seventeenth century, they could have had a significant effect on the military situation in the Northwest Black Sea. Exactly how and why the influences of empires occurred on the Danube Cossacks will be explained in this post.


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How to Cite
Бачинська, О. (2020). Danubian Sich in the Black Sea geopolitical situation. Drinovsky Sbornik, 13, 90-96. https://doi.org/10.7546/DS.2020.13.11