Priest of the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral of the city of Bolgrad M.V. Kazanakli: his life and pastoral activity

  • Игорь Пушков Odessa Regional Center of Bulgarian Culture in the city of Bolgrad
Keywords: the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral of the city of Bolgrad, Bolgrad grammar School, pastoralism, charity


In this article the life of the Priest of the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral of the city of Bolgrad is analyzed. The comprehensive analysis of his pastoral activity is done according to the archived documents and published sources. Special attention is paid to the main forms of his social service – teaching and charity. The desire of any people to know their history better is quite understandable and justified. At the same time, not only any significant events in history, but also individuals who were at the origins of these events, without which the latter could not have happened, are of the greatest interest. The Bulgarian revivalist intelligentsia included hundreds of teachers, healers, pharmacists, writers, publishers, scribes, merchants, soldiers, priests, monks, arch pastors, as well as representatives of many other classes and specialties. Frequently, the budgets combined in themselves not one, but several social roles, which is very characteristic of the Renaissance period. It is to such quiet and quiet, humble and hardworking historical figures that the personality of the priest of the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral of the city of Bоlgrad, Mikhail Vasilievich Kazanakli, who was engaged in quiet and necessary work, belongs to the personality.
The life of M.V. Kazanakli is complicated in the description, it is only partly reflected in external situations and events, but is concentrated on the path to God. External events of the life of the priest –socially visible clothes. But the spiritual element in which he constantly dwelt, is poorly amenable to purposeful analysis and verbal interpretation. Biography from. Michael needs to be read and thoroughly analyzed by a specialist theologian who has personal experience in spiritual building, asceticism.


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How to Cite
Пушков, И. (2020). Priest of the Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral of the city of Bolgrad M.V. Kazanakli: his life and pastoral activity. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 57-71.