Stefan Balamez – a Bulgarian who voted against the accession of Bessarabia to Romania

Keywords: Country Council, Stefan Balamez, Bessarabia, Royal Romania, Bulgarians, interwar period, repression, accession


The article examines the activities of the Bessarabian Bulgarians Stefan Balamez under different political regimes (tsarist, Romanian, Soviet), during 1918-1940. It was established that Stefan Balamez was born in a family of Danube immigrants, who came out of Golyam-Dervent village from Yambol Region. After settling in Bessarabia, S. Balamez’s ancestors were engaged in trading activities. After the February Revolution in Bessarabia was convened legislature Sfatul Ţării (“the Сountry’s Council”). As part of this body, S. Balamez represented the Union of State Officials. Here he was actively involved in the political struggle, and was remembered for his harsh statements and remarks. He was a member of the control, financial and budgetary commissions. In addition, from May 19 to November 27, 1918, Balamez served as vice-chairman of the constitutional commission. He was one of three deputies who openly voted against the accession of Bessarabia to Royal Romania (March 27, 1918) and supported anti-Romanian movement. However, after the Romanian government was established in the provinces, Balamez remained in Bessarabia. He was engaged in trade, being the chief accountant and assistant director of the Peasant Credit Ticket office of the landowners from Tighina (Bender County). He takes an active part in the trade union movement of Chisinau. He was a member of the County committee of the National Liberal Party, from which in 1935 became the first chairman of the Interim Commission of Labor Chambers of Chisinau, and then - the Council of the Chamber. Also Balamez was delegated to the Board of County Lapusna from this institution. After the accession of Bessarabia, the Soviet Union, June 13, 1941 Stephаn Balamez was arrested by the NKVD. Due to the outbreak of hostilities on the Eastern Front, he was evacuated to the executive labor camp Ivdel where sentenced to 10 years on the item “participation in the counter-revolutionary party”.


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How to Cite
Думиника, И. (2020). Stefan Balamez – a Bulgarian who voted against the accession of Bessarabia to Romania. Drinovsky Sbornik, 12, 47-56.