Glass vessels group of Eggers 230/Kowalk/Straume I research materials on the territory of Barbaricum

  • Владислав Ігорович Щепаченко співробітник Германо-Слов’янської археологічної експедиції Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: Eggers 230, Kowalk, glass vessels, Chernyakhiv culture


New archaeological discoveries and their mapping, as well as the active introduction of modern physicochemical methods of analysis of these materials, allow us to make certain conclusions related to the dissemination and development of the glass steklotarnogo crafts on the territory of Barbaricum. One of the most common glass products in Europe in late Roman times are the vessels of the group of Eggers 230/Kowalk/Straume I. In the scientific world have formed well-established, but somewhat blurry image of this category of vessels, which is still used by most researchers. However, when comparing vessels matching this description and found that the type Eggers 230/Kowalk/Straume I unites a group of products with a number of excellent features. Therefore, the main objective of this research is the creation of a fractional typology of the vessels of the group of Eggers 230/Kowalk/Straume I.


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How to Cite
Щепаченко, В. І. (2019). Glass vessels group of Eggers 230/Kowalk/Straume I research materials on the territory of Barbaricum. Drinovsky Sbornik, 10, 33-48.