Cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Austria in Context of Globalization of Education, Science and Culture

  • Євгеній Сафар'янс Institute of History of Ukraine NAS
Keywords: Ukraine, Austria, cooperation


Author analyzes in the article the process of cooperation between Ukraine and the Austrian Republic in the educational, cultural and science spheres at the present stage. The main directions of cooperation between the two states are consideredin the context of educational, cultural and science globalization. Author researches the process of Ukrainian-Austrian cooperation between academic institutions and educational institutions. The scale impact of educational programs and cultural events on the level of scientific and educational cooperation between Ukraine and Austria has been revealed.


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How to Cite
Сафар’янс, Є. (2019). Cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Austria in Context of Globalization of Education, Science and Culture. Drinovsky Sbornik, 11, 431-439.