The Mental Factors of Ukrainian Education in the Context of European Integration

  • Ігор Поліщук Yaroslav the Wise National Law University
Keywords: mentality, European Union, educational sphere


The article reveals the influence of mental factors on the development of Ukrainian education and the prospect of the formation of a single European octopus space, as well as the place and role in this process of Ukraine. The author makes a number of recommendations on how to intensify the integration of Ukraine into the European Union's scientific and educational space. The author concludes that Ukraine has every chance to engage in the process of creating a new educational reality, to make it possible to transform its education according to world standards and become a full partner in the united educational space of a united Europe.


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How to Cite
Поліщук, І. (2019). The Mental Factors of Ukrainian Education in the Context of European Integration. Drinovsky Sbornik, 11, 427-430.