Ukrainian Studies at Kharkiv University in the Process of Becoming a Ukrainian Modern Nation from the 19th till Early 20th Century

  • Сергій Світленко Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: Ukrainian studies, awakening of the Ukrainian nation, the Ukrainian intellectual community of Kharkiv University, Ukrainian national consciousness


The process of development of Ukrainian studies at Kharkiv University in the XIX – early XX century was considered. It is shown that already in the late 1820s – during the 1840s a number of professors, teachers and students worked in the fields of history, folklore, ethnography, literature, publishing, studying poetry and song heritage of the Ukrainian people. The idea of ​​Ukrainian national-cultural progress, the foundations of which were laid in the social practice of Kharkiv University community on the cultural stage of the Ukrainian nation, enjoy a greater maturity on the following cultural-political stage of the national-liberation competitions and much more were revealed during the 1860-1880-ies., when scientists-Ukrainists moved to the position of methodology of positivism. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the political stage of Ukrainian nationalization gradually became firmly established, representatives of the patriotic part of the faculty and students of the Kharkiv University continued and deepened the development of various branches of Ukrainian studies, actualizing the relevant issues in the socio-political conditions of the Russian imperial regime. The activities of the Ukrainian intellectual community has been important in defending the Ukrainian people's right to their own language, education, science and culture contributed to the progress of Ukrainian national consciousness and identity. Kharkiv scholars' Ukrainian studies studios were often carried out at the same time as their scientific research in various fields of Slavic studies.


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How to Cite
Світленко, С. (2019). Ukrainian Studies at Kharkiv University in the Process of Becoming a Ukrainian Modern Nation from the 19th till Early 20th Century. Drinovsky Sbornik, 11, 227-237.