The Orthodox Churches and the National Identity of the Greeks and the Bulgarians in the Ottoman Empire at the turn of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century
The article examines the role of the Orthodox churches in the national consolidation processes among the Greek and the Bulgarian population in the Ottoman Empire from the late 19 century to the eve of the Balkan Wars. Despite of the contradictory assessments of the policy of the Ecumenical church, unlike the indisputably national character of the Bulgarian Exarchate, it proved to be a stable element in the “variable dimensions” of Greek nationalism. The Patriarchate was inevitably affected by the processes of national identification, whilst it fostered the interweaving of the national and the ecumenical idea among the elite of the territorial scattered but economically and culturally dominant Greek communities in the Empire. The Greek-Bulgarian church conflict fit into the territorial and the ideological frameworks of the national confrontation in which the Bulgarian understanding of the linguistic criteria for nationality collided with the Greek thesis of Hellenism as a “spirit and civilization” and the belonging to the Patriarchate’s flock – as a sign of national identity. The secularism of the Young Turks’ project and their ambition to incorporate non-Muslims into a unified Ottoman nation created a new line of conflict that put the Patriarchate and the Exarchate on the same side of “the barricade” after 1908. Although related in their genesis to the outdated system of millets, both churches were important factors in the processes of consolidation on the basis of modern ethno-cultural nationalism, which proved to be an insurmountable obstacle for the Young Turks’ Ottomanism.
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