The Project of Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences by Professor Athanasius Stojkovich of 1805

  • Володимир Леонтійович Маслійчук
Keywords: pedagogy, Kharkiv University, Athanasius Stojkovich, Nizhyn gymnasium, educational projects


The publication of proposals of professor of Kharkiv Imperial University Athanasius Stojkovich reveals his pedagogical views. The plan of creation of Nizhyn gymnasium indicates acquaintance of the scholar and teacher of Serbian origin with a leading European academic teachings, his awareness of the major literature on humanities and the exact sciences, and attempts to improve education in the Russian Empire. The project enables wider elucidation of the activity of this bright figure in the early history of Kharkiv Imperial University.


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How to Cite
Маслійчук, В. Л. (2019). The Project of Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences by Professor Athanasius Stojkovich of 1805. Drinovsky Sbornik, 9, 392-412.