Антропоморфная фигурка из с. Староверовка на Харьковщине

  • В. С. Аксёнов
  • М. В. Хоружая



V. Aksenov, M. Horujaya. Anthropomorphous figure from Staroverovka (village), Kharkiv region

In 1976, near Staroverovka village was found bronze anthropomorphous figure. One side of figure represents a male image, other one — female. Found figure pertain to such-named « freak» («urodets»). The statuette is dated 8-10 century. It was produced by Middle Ages Turkic masters. This figure represents an image of Thengri and his wife Umay — creators of Universe, world, nature and human.


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How to Cite
Аксёнов, В. С., & Хоружая, М. В. (2016). Антропоморфная фигурка из с. Староверовка на Харьковщине. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 7. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5090

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