До вивчення техніки орнаментації давньоруських виробів з кістки та рогу з території Середнього Подніпров’я

  • М. С. Сергєєва



M. Sergeeva. On the Studying of Ornamentation of Old Russian Wares of Bone And Antler in the Middle Dnepr Area

The article deals with the technique of ornamentation of Old Russian wares of bone and antler in the Middle Dnepr area. The results of studying contour decorative pattern on different wares are represented. Rectilinear geometric and circle-and-dot ornamentation was the most characteristic for the region in question. Sennit of different configuration is also frequent. The basic techniques of making the contour decorative patterns are destinguished, they are sawing, carving with knife or cutting tool, more rarely it was edge of awl. Saw was used for making straight lines.The sawing ornamentation is especially common for combs. Ornamental compositions of various configurations were made with knife or special cutting tools. Dotted circles and compositions, derived from them, were made with special tools.

Key words: Old Rus, bone-carving craft, technologies of handicrafts, carved bone, ornament.


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How to Cite
Сергєєва, М. С. (2016). До вивчення техніки орнаментації давньоруських виробів з кістки та рогу з території Середнього Подніпров’я. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 11. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/4933