“Curtain, is called Aer” Terminology and Real Object

  • Ю. Г. Матвеева
Keywords: katapetasma, curtain, aer, ciborium, terminology, liturgical custom


This article will examine the problem of mentioning of the church curtains (καταπετάσμα) in the role of aers (ἀήρ) and exclusion of the term “καταπετάσμα” from translations of the original Greek texts. We can observe a complete disappearance of the fact of existence of the curtains in the history of liturgical custom. We also are looking at the reason for introduction of the term “aer” to signify the curtains. We are looking at several examples demonstrating that the word “aer” is used in the place of “curtains”. It is either happening when the place for using “aer” is the same as a place where the word “curtains” has been used before, or where the terms are synonyms to each other, or when the symbolical meaning for “aer” is explained through the term “curtain”. Sometimes “air” is used with the words which show that it’s alternative meaning of the object which is implied. As a result of our analysis we acknowledge the need for specify the role curtains on ciborium had played in early Byzantium church practice and the requirement for a revision of the existing translations.


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How to Cite
Матвеева, Ю. Г. (2016). “Curtain, is called Aer” Terminology and Real Object. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 13, 92-98. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/4853