The «Right to Return Possession» as a Basis of Territorial claims in Byzantium VI—XII centuries

  • К. Ю. Бардола
Keywords: Byzantine diplomacy, Byzantine rhetoric, ideology, holy war, just war, the right of conquest


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of diplomatic rhetoric voiced by Byzantine officials in VI—XII centuries upon presentation of the territorial claims against another subject of international law. The study was concluded that the main rhetorical technique used Byzantine diplomacy in this period, based on the mention of the facts prior ownership of the Roman or Byzantine emperor’s areas on which to make a complaint. This rhetorical device was more or less effective depending on the opponent and diplomatic later became part of the medieval doctrine of “just war”.


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How to Cite
Бардола, К. Ю. (2016). The «Right to Return Possession» as a Basis of Territorial claims in Byzantium VI—XII centuries. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 13, 57-68. Retrieved from

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