International Relations, Foreign status and the Problem of the customs and Tax sovereignty of the chersonese Tauric From the Beginning to the end of the II centuries BC

  • К. М. Колесников
Keywords: international relations, foreign policy status, tax and customs sovereignty, Chersonese, Rome, Pontus, Bosporus, autonomy (αυτονομία), eleutheria (ελευθερία), coinage, proxenian activities, symmachia (συμμαχία)


This work is devoted to the analysis of international legal status and the customs and tax sovereignty of the Chersonese Tauric on the background of international relations in Black Sea region in II centuries BC.

The author examines the concept of «autonomos» (αυτονόμος), «eleutheros» (ελευθέρος), «aphrouretos» (α̉̉-φρούρητος) that in the Hellenistic period signified freedom and independence of the civil community. The article shows the heavy military-political situation in Chersonese state and the search for external allies to fight against the expansion of the Crimean Scythians.

This paper considers the circumstances of the signing of the agreement of 179 BC between the people of Chersonese and the king of pontus pharnaces I and the content of this treaty. The author argues that the conclusion of the military-political alliance (συμμαχία) between Chersonese and Pontus was increasingly profitable first side.


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How to Cite
Колесников, К. М. (2016). International Relations, Foreign status and the Problem of the customs and Tax sovereignty of the chersonese Tauric From the Beginning to the end of the II centuries BC. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 13, 28-37. Retrieved from