Again on corinth and establishment the cult of Ptolemy I on Rhodes

  • А. Л. Зелинский
Keywords: Hellenistic Egypt, Ptolemy Soter, Ptolemy Philadelphus, Corinth, Penteteris, divination


In this article I continue to develop my hypothesis of interrelation between the divination of the king of Egypt ptolemy I Soter by Rhodians, and ptolemy’s transfer of Corinth to the governor of Macedonia, Cassander. The new proof in favour of this assumption was found by me in the account by Callixenus of Rhodes, on the so-called Great procession arranged by the son and successor of Soter, ptolemy II philadelphus, in honour of his divinized father. In particular, should be noted one record of the allegorical composition, which had included personification of Corinth and the statue of ptolemy, surrounded by deities (Athen., V, 201c—d).


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How to Cite
Зелинский, А. Л. (2016). Again on corinth and establishment the cult of Ptolemy I on Rhodes. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 13, 19-27. Retrieved from