Trebuchets of the Genoese Fortress of cembalo (XIV—XV centuries)

  • Сергей Владимирович Дьячков V. N. Karazin National University, Associate Professor of Department of the Ancient and Medieval History of Faculty of History, Director of Kharkov University Lyceum
Keywords: Genoese Fortress of Cembalo, fortification, towers, trebuchet, missiles.


In 2005–2011, a joint expedition of Kharkov National University named after V.N.Karazin and National park “the Chersonesos Tauride” conducted excavation of defensive constructions of Cembalo Genoese fortress in Balaklava (the Crimea, Ukraine). As a result of excavation, there were discovered 208 stone shots of spherical form which were intended for a powerful throwing machine of trebuchet type. Shots were made of local marble-like limestone, chalkstone, diorite (“marine stone”) and marble column drums, probably, of antique or early Byzantine period. Bullets weighing from 20 to 70 kilograms prevailed. Total weight of charge of the “armory” exceeded 7.7 tonnes.

The trebuchet was used to fight against enemy ships. The results of excavation indicate that the upper storey of the Tower 6 (80 m2) was used as a battle ground for mounting throwing machines, including trebuchets. The throwing machines were utilized to control the inner water area of the bay. The fact that trebuchets were used for aggressive defense proves the high fortification level of Cembalo.


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How to Cite
Дьячков, С. В. (2018). Trebuchets of the Genoese Fortress of cembalo (XIV—XV centuries). Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 15(15), 110-126. Retrieved from