Confessional Debate among saxon Theologians in 40–70s of the XVI century: Beginning of Lutheran Orthodoxy

  • Сергей Анатольевич Кариков National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Associate Professor of Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines
Keywords: confessional Debate among saxon Theologians in 40–70s of the XVI century: Beginning of Lutheran Orthodoxy


The article is devoted to the problem of ideological contradictions among Saxon evangelical theologians in  the age of  Lutheran confessionalization. The  preconditions of ideological differences among the theologians, main points of discussions, methods of over- coming these contradictions are considered. The main content of the Formula of Concord in 1577 is characterized and its role in the creation of orthodoxy is defined. The conclusion about the ideological confrontation among Gnesio-Lutherans and philippists as a kind of «crisis of growth” of Lutheranism is made. It is remarked that its overcoming created the basis for the formation of Lutheran orthodoxy.


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How to Cite
Кариков, С. А. (2018). Confessional Debate among saxon Theologians in 40–70s of the XVI century: Beginning of Lutheran Orthodoxy. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 15(15), 44-52. Retrieved from