The Roman-Gothic War (377–382). The Battle of Ad salices by oppidum and its consequences

  • Олег Владимирович Вус Independent Researcher
Keywords: The Roman-Gothic War (377–382). The Battle of Ad salices by oppidum and its consequences


The article studies the first phase of the Roman-Gothic war of 377–382, which was the prelude to the revolt of Fritigern, the Goths leader in the autumn of 376. The key event of this period was the battle of Ad Salices near oppidum (August 377) in the province of Scythia Minor. No party won this battle. The Roman Command allotted the army and used the operational pause for the organization of a protective barrier at the passes of the Balkan Range. In the autumn of 377 the Goths and their allies intercepted strategic initiative and broke through to Thrace destroying the army of Barzymer near the city of Deultum. The local Roman victory in the battle of the Gate of Trajan (November of 377) did not affect the general situation. Roman commanders failed to change the course of the war in their favor, and overall, the Campaign of 377 ended very badly for the Empire.


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How to Cite
Вус, О. В. (2018). The Roman-Gothic War (377–382). The Battle of Ad salices by oppidum and its consequences. Antiquities (Drevnosti). Kharkiv Historical & Archaeological Annual, 14(14), 27-35. Retrieved from