Новоплатоновский катакомбный курганный могильник на р. Орел

  • С. И. Берестнев



Berestnev S. I. Novo-Platonovski Catacomb Burial Mound at Oskol River

In the notice the results of catacomb burial mound excavations are introduced into scientific circulation 24 catacomb burials, 6 timber - frame and of Middle Ages were examined in 9 burial mounds. Stratigraphic data allowed to define chronological priority of Donetsk type catacomb burials, which were believed to date from the XIX – XVIII centuries B. C. The founds gave the possibility to difine the time of burials of Kharkov - Voronezh type from XVIII – XVI centuries B. C. and synchronize them w-ithlate catacomb relics of Bahmut and Manycbtypes


Як цитувати
Берестнев, С. И. (2016). Новоплатоновский катакомбный курганный могильник на р. Орел. Давнина. Харківський історико-археологічний щорічник, 2. вилучено із https://periodicals.karazin.ua/drevnosti/article/view/5284

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