Этнокультурный подтекст распространения фибул группы Альмгрен VII восточнее Днепра
M. Liubichev. Ethnocultural Implication of Distribution Fibulas Groups Almgren VII to the East of Dnepr
The territory between Dniepr and Severskiy Doniets has a 44 copies of the bronze fibulas VII O. Almgren groups and their fragments, two preparations are known. They occur from 23 monuments. Two fibulas (Kovray, Vojtenki 1) are close to fibulas “Monstruoso” (Almgren 212, 220). Series of 1 and 3 these fibulas (classification on E. L. Gorohovskij — O. V. Gopkalo) among themselves. The area of distribution fibulas 1, 3, 4 series forms a strip from the Western Bug and Upper Dniestr to Severskiy Doniets and the Seym. Finds enter into this strip fibulas 5 series close to them (Petrikivcy, Malopoloveckoe 2, Kovray, Vojtenki 1), finds fibulas especial forms (Boromlya 2, Ogulcy) also.
Distribution fibulas groups VII in region is connected with inhabitants of settlements of “horizon Boromlya” — immigrants from Upper Dniestr where they possessed monuments of type of Demyanov — Cherepin. They have lodged in some cases there where later have arisen settlements «classical» Chernyahov cultures of a Kosanov phase (330–380). Fibulas, close to «Monstruoso» it is necessary to connect with penetration on the east from Dniepr separate German elements in periods C1b—C2.