Obtaining of chitosan-hydroxyapatite coatings for medical implants

  • A. A. Yanovska Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • V. N. Kuznetsov Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • S. N. Danilchenko Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • L. F. Sukhodub Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: chitosan, hydroxyapatite, coatings, biopolymers, calcium-phosphate materials, bioactivity, osteointegration


The influence of chitosan addition on morphology, phase and elemental composition of hydroxyapatite
coatings were investigated. Composite coatings containing chitosan and hydroxyapatite (HA) were prepared by thermal substrate method. Coatings were deposited from aqueous solution which included 10
mmol/dm3 CaCl2 and 6 mmol/dm3 NaH2PO4, at pH=6,5 onto Ti6Al4V substrates, which were heated with
the passage of alternating current to temperature 105ºC. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were employed in the study of coatings morphology, phase and elemental analysis after deposition. The influence of chitosan addition on coatings characteristics was examined. The aim of chitosan addition to hydroxyapatite coatings was to raise their bioactivity as a material for medical implants. Chitosan was added to hydroxyapatite coatings in three various ways: before deposition of HA coatings, after deposition of HA coatings and coprecipitation from aqueous solution, which contains chitosan in different concentrations, and precursors for HA synthesis. Composite coatings which phase and elemental composition conform to HA were obtained by coprecipitation from aqueous solutions. The experimental XRD results showed that crystal size of HA decreased with increasing concentration of chitosan in aqueous solutions. Chitosan pretreatment before HA deposition provided adherence of HA coatings to substrate surface and it was also an effective method of chitosan injection to composite material. HA coating immersion to concentrated (1g/l) chitosan solution in 1% CH3COOH lead to changing of coatings morphology and partial dissolution of the coating


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Author Biographies

A. A. Yanovska, Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Petropavlovskaya str. 68, Sumy, Ukraine, 40000

V. N. Kuznetsov, Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Petropavlovskaya str. 68, Sumy, Ukraine, 40000

S. N. Danilchenko, Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Petropavlovskaya str. 68, Sumy, Ukraine, 40000

L. F. Sukhodub, Institute of Applied Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Petropavlovskaya str. 68, Sumy, Ukraine, 40000


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How to Cite
Yanovska, A. A., Kuznetsov, V. N., Danilchenko, S. N., & Sukhodub, L. F. (1). Obtaining of chitosan-hydroxyapatite coatings for medical implants. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(26). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/2717
Methods of biophysical investigations