Magnetically ordered structures of endogenous iron and the problem of the effect of steady magnetic fields on biological systems
Analysis of forms of magnetically ordered structures of endogenous iron in cells of alive organisms is analyzed in this paper. In particular, fossils and microorganisms and phylogenetic meaning of such ferrimagnetic materials are considered. The attempts of investigation of the correlation between change of the quantity of endogenous ferrite nanoparticles, and their physicochemical properties and ferritin expression in normal, pathology cells and with aging. Mechanisms of permanent magnetic field influence on biosystems are mentioned. The estimations are carried out and it is shown that the magnetic field gradient of ferrite nanoparticle in a cell is several orders of magnitude greater than the gradients achieved in the experimental investigations. By the way, the proper magnetic field of endogenous ferrite nanoparticles and corresponding magnetochemical effects can be additional (nonmechanical) factors of influence on transport phenomena, diffusion, and electric potentials in cells.
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