• V. P. Berest Kharkov Slate University
  • S. V. Gatash Kharkov Slate University
  • Т. F. Morozova Institute for Problems ofCryobiology and Cryomedidne, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: fibrinogen, temperature


The information concerning the structural changes of fibrinogen molecule at temperatures from 4 to 52°C has been obtained by means of UV-spectroscopy and dielectric-spectroscopy methods. Besides the known conformational transition II (at about 10°C), under physiological conditions conformational transition at 18-22°C has been observed in fibrinogen. This transition might be connected with structural transition in D-domain of fibrinogen and accompanied by an increase in tryptophanyl accessibility to the solvent. Revealed conformational transition, probably, determines the character of the temperature dependence of blood platelet aggregation.


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Author Biographies

V. P. Berest, Kharkov Slate University

4 Svobody Sq., Kharkov 310077, Ukraine

S. V. Gatash, Kharkov Slate University

 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkov 310077, Ukraine

Т. F. Morozova, Institute for Problems ofCryobiology and Cryomedidne, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute for Problems ofCryobiology and Cryomedidne, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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How to Cite
Berest, V. P., Gatash, S. V., & MorozovaТ. F. (1). TERMOTROPIC CHANGES OF FIBRINOGEN CONFORMATION. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(1). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/2024