Nanocomposite materials based on hydroxyapatite and sodium alginate: synthesis and characteristics

  • О. О. Мартинюк Сумський державний університет МОН України, вул. Римського-Корсакова, 2, м. Суми, 40007, Україна
  • Л. Б. Суходуб ДУ «Інститут мікробіології та імунології ім. І.І. Мечнікова АМН України», вул. Пушкінська, 14/16, м. Харків, 61057, Україна
  • Л. Ф. Суходуб Сумський державний університет МОН України, вул. Римського-Корсакова, 2, м. Суми, 40007, Україна
Keywords: nanocomposites, hydroxyapatite, sodium alginate, x-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, transmission microscopy


This work is devoted to the development and optimization of the synthesis methodof nanostructured biopolymer-apatite composite materials for medical applications with different ratios of polymer (sodium alginate, SA) and inorganic (hydroxyapatite, HA) phases and research their properties. Composition, structure and morphology of the samples by FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were characterized. Porosity, degree of swelling and in vitro response on bioactivity in physiological solution obtained compositesweredetermined. The formation in the presence of sodium alginate hydroxyapatite phase with needle structure and average crystallite size 23 nm with simultaneous formation biopolymer matrix due to the interaction of positively charged calcium ions (Ca2+) and negatively charged carboxyl groups (COO-) by instrumental methodswasconfirmed. The pH changing of physiological solution in the presence of samples testifies their bioactivit


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Author Biography

О. О. Мартинюк, Сумський державний університет МОН України, вул. Римського-Корсакова, 2, м. Суми, 40007, Україна


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How to Cite
Мартинюк, О. О., Суходуб, Л. Б., & Суходуб, Л. Ф. (1). Nanocomposite materials based on hydroxyapatite and sodium alginate: synthesis and characteristics. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(33), 48-59. Retrieved from
Medical physics