Spectra of soft tissue movement in the process of expansion shear waves

  • S. A. Girnyk The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin
  • D. A. Tolstoluzhsky The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin
  • V. V. Tovstiak The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin
  • E. A. Barannik The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin
Keywords: acoustic radiation force, Doppler, spectrum of the motion, the shear relaxation, absorption


We studied the characteristics of the relaxation movement of the soft tissues after local exposure of
radiation force of a powerful ultrasound pulse. With the help of the Doppler method, a local relaxation
characteristics of the soft tissue with the propagation of shear waves is obtained. It was found that the
spectral composition of the wave packet is gradually losing high-frequency harmonics due to their
absorption of a viscous medium. Comparison of the spectral characteristics at different distances from the
point of the pulse shear excitation allows make assessment the absorption of shear waves in tissues. The
study was conducted on the phantoms of the soft tissues made on the basis of an aqueous solution of
gelatine and glycerine.


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Author Biographies

S. A. Girnyk, The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin

61108, Kharkiv, Kurchatov av., 31

D. A. Tolstoluzhsky, The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin

61108, Kharkiv, Kurchatov av., 31

V. V. Tovstiak, The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin

61108, Kharkiv, Kurchatov av., 31

E. A. Barannik, The Kharkiv National University named V.N. Karazin

61108, Kharkiv, Kurchatov av., 31


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How to Cite
Girnyk, S. A., Tolstoluzhsky, D. A., Tovstiak, V. V., & Barannik, E. A. (1). Spectra of soft tissue movement in the process of expansion shear waves. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(25). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/2770