Structural phototransformation of molecules in a bioequivalent liquid crystal medium

  • M. I. Serbina Institute of Scintillation Materials NTK “Institute of Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine"
  • L. N. Lisetskiy Institute of Scintillation Materials NTK “Institute of Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine"
Keywords: liquid crystals, selective reflection spectrum, helical pitch, UV irradiation, phototransformation


Changes of selective reflection (SR) spectra of cholesteric liquid crystalline (LC) systems upon
introduction of optically active (OA) and photoactive dopants of different chemical classes are studied.
The possibility of obtaining LC media with required characteristics by varying the LC mixtures
compositions is shown. Changes of helical pitch of cholesteric LC systems with photo-active dopant upon
UV irradiation are analysed. It is shown that using of appropriate filters allows performing and
monitoring of selective phototransformation of the molecules. The method used can be applied to studies
of behavior of various biological molecules in LC media.


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Author Biographies

M. I. Serbina, Institute of Scintillation Materials NTK “Institute of Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine"

Lenin Ave., 60, Kharkov, 61001, Ukraine

L. N. Lisetskiy, Institute of Scintillation Materials NTK “Institute of Single Crystals NAS of Ukraine"

Lenin Ave., 60, Kharkov, 61001, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Serbina, M. I., & Lisetskiy, L. N. (1). Structural phototransformation of molecules in a bioequivalent liquid crystal medium. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(27). Retrieved from