Texture of na-dna films received from solution containing tris and edta

  • G. M. Glibitskiy Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine
  • M. A. Semenov Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine
  • D. M. Glibitskiy Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine
Keywords: DNA, ion, solution, humidity, liquid crystals, film


Influence of Tris and EDTA on the formation of texture of DNA film is examined. The films were
obtained from solutions of calf thymus Na-DNA salts with a concentration of 0.2 mg / ml in 10 mM
solution of NaCl, as well as with different combinations: 10 mM NaCl and 10 mM Tris; 10 mM NaCl and
1 mM EDTA; 10 mM NaCl, 10 mM tris and 1 mM EDTA. Accuracy of temperature stabilization is
0.5 ºC, error of relative humidity determination is 2-3%. Films from solutions of Na-DNA with the
addition of 10 mM NaCl and 10 mM Tris and films obtained from solutions of Na-DNA with the addition
of 10 mM NaCl and 1 mM EDTA do not have the textures on the surface after drying. The films obtained
from the Na-DNA solution (at a concentration of 0.2mg/ml), 10 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris and 1 mM EDTA
give textures similar to cholesteric spherulite textures, which are fully manifested in 40-50 hours after
removal of films from the camera


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Author Biographies

G. M. Glibitskiy, Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine

12, Ak. Proskura st., Kharkov, 61085, Ukraine

M. A. Semenov, Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine

12, Ak. Proskura st., Kharkov, 61085, Ukraine

D. M. Glibitskiy, Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine

12, Ak. Proskura st., Kharkov, 61085, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Glibitskiy, G. M., Semenov, M. A., & Glibitskiy, D. M. (1). Texture of na-dna films received from solution containing tris and edta. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(27). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/2526