Change of hydration on complexation of the ligands with dna (mini-review)

  • V. V. Kostjukov Sevastopol National Technical University
  • M. P. Evstigneev Sevastopol National Technical University
Keywords: complexation, ligand, DNA, hydration, water release/uptake


In the present work analytical review of published data on changes of water shell of the ligand and the
DNA on complexation with account of recently published new results obtained by the method of
microwave dielectrometry, was performed. The results of both experimental (microwave dielectrometry,
volumetry, osmometry) and theoretical (molecular modeling) studies are presented. It is shown that there
is a fundamental difference between the osmometry, demonstrating the uptake of additional water
molecules on ligand binding with DNA, and all other methods, which give, in contrast, partial release of
water. At the same time differences in hydration gained from microwave dielectrometry and molecular
modeling are in good agreement between each other, however, underestimate hydration in relation to
volumetry. The analysis highlights the need for revision of the method of osmometry in application to
ligand-DNA systems.


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Author Biographies

V. V. Kostjukov, Sevastopol National Technical University

Universitetskaya str., 33, Sevastopol, 99053, Ukraine

M. P. Evstigneev, Sevastopol National Technical University

Universitetskaya str., 33, Sevastopol, 99053, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Kostjukov, V. V., & Evstigneev, M. P. (1). Change of hydration on complexation of the ligands with dna (mini-review). Biophysical Bulletin, 2(27). Retrieved from