Influence of storage and γ-radiation on dielectric characteristics of suspensions of erythrocytes in the presence of ultradisperse nanodiamonds

  • A. В. Adeljanov V.N. Karazin Kharkov national universitу
  • О. A. Gorobchenko V.N. Karazin Kharkov national university
  • О. Т. Nikolov V.N. Karazin Kharkov national universitу
  • S. V. Gatash V.N. Karazin Kharkov national universitу
  • Ye. М. Mamotyuk S.P. Grigoriev institute for medical radiology
Keywords: erythrocytes, ND, γ-radiation, permittivity, electric conductivity


In this work was studied the influence of the storage during 16 hours at +4 C and γ-radiation on dielectric
properties of the suspensions of red blood cells in the presence of nanodiamonds (ND). It were
investigated the dielectric and electrical properties of the suspensions of red blood cells, containing ND
(TOV NPP SINTA, Kharkov) in a concentration of 0.04 mass. % and 1.32 mass. % by the methods of
microwave dielectrometry and low-frequency conductivity. There were used the plasma of blood and
physiological solution as suspending media. Samples were irradiated at the γ-aim «Issledovatel’» by the
radioactive isotope of 60Co during 16 hours with the power of radiation 75,5 R/min. Absorbed dose was
725 Gr. Studied parameters γ-irradiated samples were compared with the parameters of freshly prepared
samples and stored within 16 hours. Studied parameters of γ-irradiated samples compared to parameters
of native samples and stored during 16 hours. At storage of suspensions of erythrocytes within 16 hours
changes in values of static dielectric permeability εs and frequency of a dielectric relaxation of water
molecules fd were not found only for a sample with physiological solution as the suspending media and
ND in concentration of 1,32 mass. %. At impact on suspensions γ-radiation changes in values εs and fd in
comparison with stored samples were not found for a sample with physiological solution and ND in
concentration 0,04 mass. %. Physiological solution is the better than plasma suspension media for the
erythrocytes which suspensions contain ND. Depending on concentration ND promote preservation of
dielectric and electric properties of suspensions of erythrocytes as at storage of samples during certain
time so at action on them γ-radiation


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Author Biographies

A. В. Adeljanov, V.N. Karazin Kharkov national universitу

sq. Svobody 4, Kharkov, 61077

О. A. Gorobchenko, V.N. Karazin Kharkov national university

sq. Svobody 4, Kharkov, 61077

О. Т. Nikolov, V.N. Karazin Kharkov national universitу

sq. Svobody 4, Kharkov, 61077

S. V. Gatash, V.N. Karazin Kharkov national universitу

sq. Svobody 4, Kharkov, 61077

Ye. М. Mamotyuk, S.P. Grigoriev institute for medical radiology

str. Pushkinska 82, 61024


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How to Cite
AdeljanovA. В., GorobchenkoО. A., NikolovО. Т., Gatash, S. V., & MamotyukY. М. (1). Influence of storage and γ-radiation on dielectric characteristics of suspensions of erythrocytes in the presence of ultradisperse nanodiamonds. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(28). Retrieved from
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