• E. G. Bereznyak Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics
  • М. А. Semenov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics
  • Е. B. Starikov lnstitut fur Kristallographic
  • Yu. F. Pedash Kharkov Stale University
  • Т. V. Bolbukh Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics
  • D. V. Matveev Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics
  • V. Ya. Maleev Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics
Keywords: disodium riboguanosine 5'-monophospate, IR-spectroscopy, hydration, resonance interactions, quantum-chemical calculations, influence of cations


IR-spectra of disodium riboguanosine 5'-monophosphate (5'-GMP-2Na+) films in 900-1800 cm-1 range at 0-96% relative humidity are obtained. The centres and the hydrational level of the nucleotide are determined by analysis of frequencies and intensities of the absorption bands. The sorption of about 8 water molecules is found to lead to crystallization of 5'-GMP-2Na+. The calculation of resonance interactions showed that the crystal structure corresponds to the telramer model. The quantum-chemical calculation of electronic density evidences that observed spectral changes at wetting of 5'-GMP-2Na+ films can be explained qualitatively by the effect of hydration and influence of cations.


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Author Biographies

E. G. Bereznyak, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics

12 Ak. Proskura St., Kharkov 310085, Ukraine

М. А. Semenov, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics

12 Ak. Proskura St., Kharkov 310085, Ukraine

Е. B. Starikov, lnstitut fur Kristallographic

Universitat Berlin

Yu. F. Pedash, Kharkov Stale University

4 Svobody Sq., Kharkov 310077, Ukraine

Т. V. Bolbukh, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics

12 Ak. Proskura St., Kharkov 310085, Ukraine

D. V. Matveev, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics

 12 Ak. Proskura St., Kharkov 310085, Ukraine

V. Ya. Maleev, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics

12 Ak. Proskura St., Kharkov 310085, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Bereznyak, E. G., SemenovМ. А., StarikovЕ. B., Pedash, Y. F., BolbukhТ. V., Matveev, D. V., & Maleev, V. Y. (1). IR-SPECTROSCOPY AND QUANTUM-CHEMICAL STUDY OF HYDRATION OF DISODIUM RIBOGUANOSINE 5’-MONOPHOSPHATE. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(2). Retrieved from