Mathematical model of the defining relationships of cancer incidence on the effectiveness of cancer treatment

  • V. G. Knigavko Kharkov National Medical University
  • O. S. Chubukin Kharkov National Medical Universit
  • T. R. Kocharova Kharkov National Medical University
  • M. A. Bondarenko Kharkov National Medical University
Keywords: a-genes, distribution function of the malignant cells, the probability of the presence of agenes in the genotype, the distribution function of the time of acquisition of cancer


The purpose of this research is to study the dependence of the efficiency of cancer treatment on cancer incidence population of people. Built probabilistic mathematical model reflecting the dependence of cancer incidence population of people on the degree of effectiveness of treatment. Within the framework of this model was derived set of equations that allow determining the probability of each individual and a certain number of genes, the failure of which leads to cancer, as well as the correlation between the probability of occurrence and the average time of cancer in a particular individual. Also, found the distribution function of time occurrence of cancer, calculating the value of which, for various values of the frequency of cancer treatment can be sought to determine the incidence of dependence on the effectiveness of treatment


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Author Biographies

V. G. Knigavko, Kharkov National Medical University

61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4

O. S. Chubukin, Kharkov National Medical Universit

61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4

T. R. Kocharova, Kharkov National Medical University

61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4

M. A. Bondarenko, Kharkov National Medical University

61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4


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How to Cite
Knigavko, V. G., Chubukin, O. S., Kocharova, T. R., & Bondarenko, M. A. (1). Mathematical model of the defining relationships of cancer incidence on the effectiveness of cancer treatment. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(29). Retrieved from
Biophysics of complex systems