Decondensation of chromatin state in human sperm cells after cryopreservation and electromagnetic irradiation of millimeter range

  • N. О. Volkova Institute for Problems Cryobiology and Cryomedicine NAS Ukraine
  • О. V. Pavlovich Institute for Problems Cryobiology and Cryomedicine NAS Ukraine
  • G. O. Gapon Institute for Problems Cryobiology and Cryomedicine NAS Ukraine
  • O. T. Nikolov V.N. Karazin National University
Keywords: cryopreserved human sperm, electromagnetic irradiation, motility, chromatin, apoptosis


In the work investigated the effects of electromagnetic irradiation of millimeter range of 0.03 mW/cm2
density on cryopreserved human sperm in normal and pathological state. Morpho-functional state of sperm before and after irradiation was assessed using light, fluorescence microscopy and FACS analysis. Application of irradiation of the samples for 15 minutes at normospermia and 5 minutes at asthenozoospermia resulted in a significant increase in 7AAD+sperm about the appropriate value in the control group. It has been found that electromagnetic irradiation of millimeter range of 0.03 mW/sm2 density on cryopreserved human sperm for 5 minutes at normospermia and 15 minutes at asthenozoospermia increases the fraction of rectilinearly moving sperm without changing the integrity of membrane, nuclear chromatin state and generation of apoptosis.


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Author Biographies

N. О. Volkova, Institute for Problems Cryobiology and Cryomedicine NAS Ukraine

Kharkov, st. Pereyaslavskaya 23, 61015

О. V. Pavlovich, Institute for Problems Cryobiology and Cryomedicine NAS Ukraine

Kharkov, st. Pereyaslavskaya 23, 61015

G. O. Gapon, Institute for Problems Cryobiology and Cryomedicine NAS Ukraine

Kharkov, st. Pereyaslavskaya 23, 61015

O. T. Nikolov, V.N. Karazin National University

Kharkov, sq. Svobody 4, 61077


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How to Cite
VolkovaN. О., PavlovichО. V., Gapon, G. O., & Nikolov, O. T. (1). Decondensation of chromatin state in human sperm cells after cryopreservation and electromagnetic irradiation of millimeter range. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(30). Retrieved from
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