Mathematical modelling of formation of second tumours

  • V. G. Knigavko Kharkov National Medical University
  • E. B. Radzishevskaya Kharkov National Medical Universit
  • M. A. Bondarenko Kharkov National Medical University
  • O. S. Chubukin Kharkov National Medical University
  • T. R. Kocharova Kharkov National Medical Universit
Keywords: mathematical modeling, cell malignization, second tumor, distribution function, probability density function


The problem of second tumor formation causes the significant interest. The second tumor means that this
is the malignant tumor which will be forming after the treatment of the first one, and formation of second
tumor not connected with formation of the first one. The results of stochastic mathematical modeling
based on well known conception about damaging of any number of certain genes caused malignization of
cell was given. On the basis of these conceptions it is possible to solve the actual task - to build the
stochastic mathematical models which described characteristics of formation of the second tumor
(distribution function and probability density of these times).


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Author Biographies

V. G. Knigavko, Kharkov National Medical University

61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4

E. B. Radzishevskaya, Kharkov National Medical Universit

61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4

M. A. Bondarenko, Kharkov National Medical University
61022, Kharkov, Lenin av., 4
O. S. Chubukin, Kharkov National Medical University
61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4
T. R. Kocharova, Kharkov National Medical Universit
61022, Kharkov, Lenin av.,4


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How to Cite
Knigavko, V. G., Radzishevskaya, E. B., Bondarenko, M. A., Chubukin, O. S., & Kocharova, T. R. (1). Mathematical modelling of formation of second tumours. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(30). Retrieved from
Biophysics of complex systems