Estimation of the state of human erythrocytes surface in the hypertonic electrolyte medium. 1. Morphological aspect

  • L.G.Kuleshova Institute for Problems of Cryobiology arid Cryomedieine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: erythrocyte, hypertension, membrane, glycocalix, microscopy, spectrophotometry


The surface state of human erythrocytes in NaCl hypertonic electrolyte medium was studied by methods of spectrophotometry, light, and phase-contrast microscopy. It was established that human erythrocytes manifest significant hypertonic stability. However due to dehydration processes erythrocytes transformation occurs with considerable change in the shape of the cellular surface, that in turn is accompanied by partial destruction of external pre-membranous layers (glycocalyx) and elimination of glycoproteins into the extracellular medium.


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Author Biography

L.G.Kuleshova, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology arid Cryomedieine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

23, Pereyaslavskaya str., 61015, Kharkov, Ukraine


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767 р.
How to Cite
Kuleshova, L. (2002). Estimation of the state of human erythrocytes surface in the hypertonic electrolyte medium. 1. Morphological aspect. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(11), 54-56. Retrieved from