Selective role of anisometry in formation of supramolecular structures in anisotropic systems

  • P.P. Shtifanyuk Institute for single crystals, NASU
  • A.V. Dyomin Institute for single crystals, NASU
  • A. P. Fedoryako Institute for single crystals, NASU
  • L. N. Lisetski Institute for single crystals, NASU
  • S. E. Yakovenko Institute for single crystals, NASU
Keywords: anisotropic liquids, liquid crystals, anisotropic intermolecular interactions, micro-geterogeneuty, clusters


Long-range components of coefficients of SO(3)-invariant expansions of intermolecular forces (U-coefficients) have been studied for Lennard-Jones interactions between force centers (atoms). In a simple geometrical model, a new effect has been discovered, consisting in inversion of the dependence of U-coefficient upon intermolecular distances as function of molecular anisometry. Possible manifestations of this effect in experimentally observed properties of complex liquid and liquid crystalline systems are discussed, as well as its role in formation of microheterostructures.


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Author Biographies

P.P. Shtifanyuk, Institute for single crystals, NASU

60 Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, 60001, Ukraine

A.V. Dyomin, Institute for single crystals, NASU

60 Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, 60001, Ukraine

A. P. Fedoryako, Institute for single crystals, NASU

60 Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, 60001, Ukraine

L. N. Lisetski, Institute for single crystals, NASU

60 Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, 60001, Ukraine

S. E. Yakovenko, Institute for single crystals, NASU

60 Lenin Ave., Kharkiv, 60001, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Shtifanyuk, P., A.V. Dyomin, A., Fedoryako, A. P., Lisetski, L. N., & Yakovenko, S. E. (2005). Selective role of anisometry in formation of supramolecular structures in anisotropic systems. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(15), 49-52. Retrieved from