Mass spectrometric and quantum chemical study of interations of nitrogen bases with chlorine anion and sodium cation

  • V. V. Chagovets B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
  • O. A. Boryak B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
  • M. V. Kosevich B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
  • S. G. Stepanian B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine
Keywords: nucleic acid nitrogen bases, chlorine anion, sodium cation, intermolecular interactions, mass spectrometry, ab initio quantum chemical calculations


Mass spectrometric and quantum chemical investigation of the interaction of nucleic acid nitrogen bases with Cl anion and, for comparison, with Na cation is performed within the framework of molecular biophysical problem of anions interactions with nucleic acids. A possibility of formation and gas-phase stabilization of Cl associates with nitrogen bases is revealed by means of secondary emission mass spectrometry. Ab initio quantum chemical calculations performed by МР2/6-311++G** method allowed us to determine base-Cl interaction energies (kJ mole -1 ) which forms the following row for the most stable conformations: Cyt (-120.5) < Ade (128.0) < Thy (128.7) < Ura (132.8) < Gua (144.5). The stability of the base-Na associates obeys a row: Thy (-139.2) < Ura (-140.2) < Ade (-141.0) < Cyt (-206.3) < Gua (-220.8). The interaction energies of Ura, Thy, Ade with both Cl and Na were found to be similar, while the interaction energy of Cyt and Gua with sodium is more than 1.5 times higher than that with chlorine. Energetically favorable configurations of complexes of anions with nitrogen bases, which coincide with those found in nucleic acid crystals by means of X-ray, analysis, are revealed.


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Author Biographies

V. V. Chagovets, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine

47, Lenin Avenue, Kharkov, 61103, Ukraine

O. A. Boryak, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine

47, Lenin Avenue, Kharkov, 61103, Ukraine

M. V. Kosevich, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine

47, Lenin Avenue, Kharkov, 61103, Ukraine

S. G. Stepanian, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine

47, Lenin Avenue, Kharkov, 61103, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Chagovets, V. V., Boryak, O. A., Kosevich, M. V., & Stepanian, S. G. (2007). Mass spectrometric and quantum chemical study of interations of nitrogen bases with chlorine anion and sodium cation. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(19), 43-50. Retrieved from