Degasation of bioliquids as the target of weak electromagnetic field biological effects

  • V. M. Shatalov Donetsk national university
Keywords: electromagnetic field, water, bioliquids, microbubbles, degasation, waterproof effect


It is shown, that as a direct result of the influence of a field on water and bioliquids, there can be decontamination caused by integration and emersion in phase polarized microbubbles. Decontamination leads to a change of a factor of superficial tension and therefore waterproof interaction, influencing thus on the stability of the structure of fibers. Accumulation of energy of a field is expressed in the increase of the amount of free water and entropy of the system without its heating. The reasons for the accompanying changes of some properties of water are considered.


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Author Biography

V. M. Shatalov, Donetsk national university

46, Schorsa , Donetsk, Ukraine, 83050


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How to Cite
Shatalov, V. M. (2009). Degasation of bioliquids as the target of weak electromagnetic field biological effects. Biophysical Bulletin, 2(23), 120-128. Retrieved from
Action of physical agents on biological objects