About a role of paranasal sinuses in aerodynamics of nasal cavities

  • O. G. Avrunin Kharkov National University for Radioelectronics
  • N. I. Bielietsky V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University
  • A. I. Bereznyakov V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: a nasal vacuity, pneumatic vacuity, airflow, ventilation, turbulent mode, laminar mode


The simplified model of the nasal cavity accounting for the availability of paranasal sinuses was constructed. The level of ventilation and pneumatization of paranasal sinuses is estimated. The types of airflow in the nasal cavity in the normal and pathological statuses are described. On the basis of the Gauss theorem, it was shown that the paranasal sinuses are low-ventilated zone. Ventilated part of the paranasal sinus is only 5% of its total volume, the other part is a stagnation region. The estimation of the turbulence level of the airflow in the paranasal sinus was made. It was shown that in conditions of normal paranasal sinus organs functioning the turbulent airflow is dominating, and the laminar is prevalent when paranasal sinuses are blocked as a result of pathology. In the turbulence regime, dominating in the localization region of paranasal sinuses, temperature changes along the nasal cavity axis have a value of about 20К/m.


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Author Biographies

O. G. Avrunin, Kharkov National University for Radioelectronics

Lenin Ave., 14, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine

N. I. Bielietsky, V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University

4, Svobody Sq, Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine

A. I. Bereznyakov, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

4, Svobody Sq, Kharkov, 61077, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Avrunin, O. G., Bielietsky, N. I., & Bereznyakov, A. I. (2008). About a role of paranasal sinuses in aerodynamics of nasal cavities. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(20), 88-95. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/1585