On increasing the accuracy of volume velocity of blood flow determination in ultrasonic doppler system

  • E. A. Barannik V.N. Kharkiv National University
  • I. V. Skresanova V.N. Kharkiv National University
Keywords: ultrasound, Doppler spectrum, velocity of blood flow, blood consumption


In the present paper through analytical procedure we found a formula for the instantaneous capacity of Doppler signal based on the results of previously derived expression for the full Doppler spectrum of capacity that considers the focusing of waves and arbitrary ratio between duration of monitoring pulse and diameter of blood vessel. It has been shown that instantaneous capacity allows to make a conclusion about changing the vessel diameter during the cardiocycle. Founded expressions allow to make the methods of determining the blood consumption during the ultrasonic diagnostic researches more accurate.


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Author Biographies

E. A. Barannik, V.N. Kharkiv National University

4 ,  Svobody sq  , 61108, Kharkiv, Ukrain

I. V. Skresanova, V.N. Kharkiv National University

4 ,Svobody sq  , 61108, Kharkiv, Ukrain


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How to Cite
Barannik, E. A., & Skresanova, I. V. (2006). On increasing the accuracy of volume velocity of blood flow determination in ultrasonic doppler system. Biophysical Bulletin, 1(17), 71-77. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/biophysvisnyk/article/view/12881