Communities of Bidenti frondosae–Bidentetum connatae ass. nova (distribution, ecological and cenological characteristic)

  • Л. М. Махиня
Keywords: syntaxonomy, Bidenti frondosae–Bidentetum connatae, coastal-aquatic vegetation, Dniprо, Bidens


We investigated distribution, ecological and cenological features of communities of the new association Bidenti frondosae–Bidentetum connatae. There has been found, that they belong to swampy habitats of alder forests mostly. The main factors, which determine the distribution of communities on the studied territory, are difference in topography, soil and hydrological regime. The communities occupy the largest areas in the bottom of the valley due to the presence of islands. The features of the geographical structure of cenoflora, as an important tool to identify syntaxa, and its species composition compared with other associations of the union Bidention tripartitae, order Bidentetalia tripartitae, class Bidentetea tripartitae have been revealed. The studied association differs from others by species composition, in particular by the presence of groups of diagnostic species, which are not presented in such combination in other associations of the class, and by species that are differential for the union, in particular Juncus bufonius L. and Polygonum hydropiper L. The composition of cenoflora has been characterized by medium richness of species (54 species of vascular plants). The most of them belong to plurizonal and boreal-meridional (30%) zonal chorological groups. Regionally, they are mostly (35%) belong to the circumpolar chorologic group. Most of the species of the association are indifferent (84%) by oceanic-continental gradient.


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How to Cite
Махиня, Л. М. (1). Communities of Bidenti frondosae–Bidentetum connatae ass. nova (distribution, ecological and cenological characteristic). The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology», 27, 31-38. Retrieved from